Quebec Hits a Milestone in Psilocybin Treatment

As the stream of information relating to the benefits of plant medicine propels forward, Canada may have sparked its biggest milestone yet, imposing a true game changer in the world of psychedelics as we know it. 


We’ve been covering the praiseful wins of psilocybin with increased hope for every progression that has taken place over recent years. From successful trials to glorious personal pursuits, professionals around the world are bridging the gap between make believe and life-changing potential as a result of recent actions taken.


Recent Success


On the account of Quebec’s undoubtful victory this past week, the coast appears bright in Canada’s direction as it faces the acceptance of psychedelic therapy as a form of legitimate medical treatment. This success begins with Dr. Houman Farzin and Dr. Jean-François Stephan, who were recently billed and paid by the province of Quebec after treating a patient through psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy earlier this year. This wouldn’t be Quebec’s first monumental success… In May of this year Mindspace by Numinus Clinic in Montreal will become a first of its kind in the emerging world of psychedelic therapy; being the first facility to legally treat depression through psilocybin. The restoration of Canada’s “Special Access Program” allows professionals to access restricted medications that are not yet available or authorized to the general public – a program regulated by Health Canada that was not accessible prior to January of this past year. 


However, Dr. Jean-François Stephan ensued a plethora of success in his decision to showcase the evidence of his treatment process in a letter that would later be submitted, with 15 cosigns from fellow colleagues, to emphasize the safety and benefit of psilocybin treatment. This coalition would then persuade the Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec (Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec) to amend the codes for psilocybin therapy that were seemingly non-existent prior to the treatment conducted by Dr. Stephan and Dr. Farzin, providing payment for both doctors administering the treatment.   


Gaining approval for health coverage was not only a major success for patient Robert Foxman but a win for the province, as all future patients with medical exemption for psilocybin in Quebec will be granted the same coverage for the treatment moving forward. We can only hope that the result of this sublime outcome will surge a force of change across all provinces, where professionals and patients alike seek the same diligence from governing medical bodies.




Although there are upwards of 80 Canadians with legal exemption to psilocybin, the treatment process has remained at a steady slow as both the administration of proper treatment as well as safe-supply sourcing remains less than obtainable regardless of your legal exemption status. With many health practitioners requiring exemption themselves in order to conduct the treatments lawfully, the process has been a slow growth in bringing psilocybin success to public light at the speed many hopeful patients wish it could. 


At the forefront of psilocybin accessibility is the non-profit alliance Therapsil, a team of healthcare practitioners, patients and community members advocating for Candians in need of legal psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy. Therapsil has gone above and beyond to assist Canadians since 2019, supporting 55 different patients across the country and remaining eager to help more through their valuable advocacy. 


Therapsil made a statement of their own amidst Quebec’s psilocybin milestone and we cannot help but feel mesmerized watching the devoted community of advocates and experts currently forming in Canada. The continuous perseverance from all ends impressively reshapes the structure of medicine, gluing together the once stagnant cracks in a pursuit towards a brighter future.




A win is a win, understanding that there remains a present need for further action. 


Therapsil, Numinus clinic, as well as physicians like Dr. Farzin and Dr. Stephan are pioneering subjects on the topic of psychedelic integration in modern healthcare, taking crucial steps that will hopefully push other Canadian provinces to proceed in a similar direction. 


We are thrilled to have yet another progression brought to our attention.




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